Do you have hearing loss?

Take our online hearing check to find out.

Make Sure You're Ready for the Test

1: Use Your Headphones or Earbuds

This test works best with headphones, but earbuds will work also!

2: Find a Quiet, Comfortable Place

Background noises like appliances and traffic can interfere with the test.

3: Turn volume up till comfortable

Click the play button to test your headset. If you can hear the tone, you are good to start the hearing check

We'll start quietly, so you may not hear the sound at first. That's ok.

Clck the no button button if you don't hear anything.

Click the no button button WHEN YOU ARE FIRST ABLE TO HEAR A SOUND.

The test will take several minutes, and for those with hearing loss the first few sounds of each frequency will likely be inaudible.

Audio is Playing

Great job! Let's keep going.


Good job! You're all done with the first tone.

The tone will be at a slightly lower pitch, and may be too quiet to hear at first.


Okay, let's check with this tone.


You're doing great, keep going!

This will be an even lower pitch.


Let's keep going!


You're halfway there!


You're doing great, keep going!


You're doing great, keep going!


You're doing great, keep going!


Last One!


You're doing great, almost done!


Restart Test

How would you like your results?

Thank you for taking our test, we will be in touch!
